Mom's Thoughts

Plainfield mom reflects on life with four little ones.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


If you are easily grossed out you won't want to read the rest of this post...
In the picture you see a Lego man's hand and a penny. The penny is just there for size comparison it doesn't really have anything to do with my story.
This morning as I was playing with the little guy we discovered a Lego man hand. I was tickling him to try and get the grumpy bug out. He blew out through his nose and along with a big piece of dried snot came the above Lego arm (I washed it off for the picture).
In conversation with him, after I realized what the red thing was, he said it had been there for a while. I asked him if there was any other Lego up his nose. He's assured me that there isn't. I sure hope he's telling me the truth.


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