Mom's Thoughts

Plainfield mom reflects on life with four little ones.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Broken and moving

Last week my one and a half year old tripped and broke one of her top front teeth. We went to the dentist - they took and x-ray - and she seems to be doing fine. Thankfully it's just a baby tooth. Otherwise the kids seem to be doing well.

We are in the process of moving once again. My husband and I will celebrate our seventh wedding anniversary in November and this will be our seventh address. (All three of the kids were born in different cities.) Last night I was talking with a friend who has also moved several times and we both agree that the good thing about moving is that you purge your stuff and get rid of lots of things you don't need.

I recently got a DVD from the public library. It's a PBS special called Organizing from the Inside Out. The speaker is Julie Morgenstern who is a professional organizer. I thought she had some good ideas. A couple of things that stuck out to me were that organizing is not about throwing things out. It's identifying what's important to you and giving you access to it. Organizing gives you the ability to find what you need when you need it and be happy in your environment. Organizing means creating environments that unleash your creativity and free you to pursue higher goals.

So much to do... Maybe once we get settled I'll post more regularly.

I'd love to have you comment and give me any fun organizing tips you've used.

Today's proverb:
Yanking a dog's ears is no more foolish than interfering in an argument that isn't any of your business.


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