Mom's Thoughts

Plainfield mom reflects on life with four little ones.

Friday, May 02, 2008


Photo 1 - the little guy

Photo 2 - the whole crew

Photo 3 - our four year old

Here are some recent pictures.
Can you guess where each was taken?
Wal-Mart, JCPenney, or Portrait Innovations?
Where do you like to go to have portraits taken?


  • At 5/03/2008 9:50 PM, Blogger Loving Our Homeschool said…

    Hmmm....I'm not good at guessing where photos were taken. I'm not much fun. LOL

    My favorite place to go for photos is a local photographer that took our pics in October. She did an AWESOME job, spent 2 hours with us, we got to change outfits, have whole family shots, individual shots of the girls and then the two of them together, and she only charged $100!!! AND we get to have digital copies of the pics and are allowed to have them printed where ever, how ever, how many ever we want. Plus she includes a picture package for the $100. Best pictures we've had done since our wedding and the best deal too, for what you get.

    Sheesh, I could have just said we go to a local photographer, huh? LOL

  • At 5/16/2008 7:28 PM, Blogger Always Smiling said…

    I would guess JCPenny's. There is no way they are Wal-mart, unless they started doing floor pictures and got rid of those tables.

    I have always carried my 2 to Sears, even if its been a while.

  • At 6/09/2008 12:40 PM, Blogger IndyMom said…

    #1 was JCPenny's
    #2 was Wal-Mart and it was a floor picture
    #3 was Portrait Innovations
    I go where it doesn't cost much (use coupons when I can).
    I had a bad experience with Sears once and haven't been back.
    My favorite of these three pictures is #1. My little guy was all smiles that morning.
    The Wal-Mart group shot isn't my kids best picture. The special price package is on the first acceptable pose and the kids just weren't smiling much that morning.


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