Mom's Thoughts

Plainfield mom reflects on life with four little ones.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012


My 5 year old boy and his 8 year old sister have been playing together all afternoon.  While cleaning, I walked in on this and he said "I'm landscaping my mailbox".  I love my kids.  Our 12 year old boy has been reading most of the afternoon - I think he finished a dragon story.  Our red-headed beauty has been organizing the stuff in her room - trying to consolidate and get rid of some stuff.  My husband is working til about three and then we are all off to his parents house to celebrate with family (they just live about 10 minutes away).  Then it's back home this evening to watch the fireworks from our driveway.  

I'm looking forward to traveling back to Ethiopia and bringing our two brown eyed children home so they can join in all the fun. He's six years old and she's three. 

Happy 4th of July.


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