Don't fence me in...
The little guy likes to explore. And, at 11 months he likes to put everything in his mouth. So I'm often asking "what do you have in your mouth?" I've fished things out a number of things including: little sticks, grass, fuzz, tape, toys, leftovers (he and his siblings drop things once in a while), lots of little pieces of paper and yesterday I found a spider - little legs and crunchy body. I'm not sure if it was alive when it went in but by the time I got to it - not alive anymore. Well, we want him to be strong and courageous and now we know he's not afraid of spiders.
At 9/08/2007 11:53 AM, Donnetta said…
I remember finding a bug of some type ?spider? in my son's mouth when he was about this age too. EEWWW!!
Oh the joy's of being young... I guess... :-)
At 9/08/2007 4:51 PM, Teacher Mom said…
Yuck! LOL He's SUCH a cutie!
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