Mom's Thoughts

Plainfield mom reflects on life with four little ones.

Monday, November 24, 2008

He's a big boy now

My oldest son has a loft bed.

My husband took down the crib yesterday
so my little guy has a toddler bed.
My babies are growing up.
Tonight is parent teacher conferences for my older two.
It's my turn to sit on the other side of the table.
Now I'm the parent instead of the teacher.


  • At 11/24/2008 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I chersih how you verbalize every part of being the best mommy my grandchildren could have. Your devotion, kindness, gentelness and love quietly seeps all over. You are a special gift to our family. I am Thankful for my daughter-in-law this Thanksgiving season and beyond.


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