Mom's Thoughts

Plainfield mom reflects on life with four little ones.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Last week

Husband and big kids went to church camp. Number 2 daughter
spent the week with my parents in Michigan at Camp "Wiggins". The little guy and I went to North Manchester to visit one of my college friends. Another friend brought over 5 more girls so the little guy got to spend the day playing with 8 older girls.
Top pictures - little guy with a frog and the girls
Bottom pictures - big kids ready to get on the bus for camp.
Friday night everyone was back home. It seems the campers brought more than dirty laundry home. As soon as he got home son #1 was sick. Saturday daughter #1 got sick. Sunday afternoon husband #1 got sick. Thankfully the sickness seems to be gone now and the dirty laundry has all been washed (of course more has been made this week - it never ends).


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