Urgent Care...
There's a new Urgent care in our neighborhood.
I know this because I took our two year old this afternoon.
My parents were here to watch the kids while I went for my doctor's appointment. Before I left, the little one fell and cut her knee. It didn't bleed a lot so I wasn't sure if she would need stitches. I took a picture and at my appointment I asked my OB what she thought (she's a mom of 4 year old twins). She said she'd get it checked.
I took our little lady bug in and she got eight stitches and some stickers. She liked the stickers much better than the stitches.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring...
At 9/14/2006 11:43 PM, Anonymous said…
ouch! i can understand why the stickers would be more appealing than stitches...
At 9/15/2006 12:19 AM, Anonymous said…
Wow. I can relate. My 4-year-old put his top teeth through his bottom lip a few weeks ago, leaving a nice hole. No stitches, but some pretty powerful glue held it together until it healed. Now he will have a scar on his chin. Good thing it is hidden by the shadow of his lower lip. I hope your little one heals well. They are pretty resilient, aren't they?
Love you guys!
At 9/17/2006 1:12 AM, Bethany said…
My one-year-old has yet to have any major incidents, though I'm keeping a running tally of all the things on which he's nearly - but hasn't - cracked his dome open!
When our time comes, I can only imagine once the adrenaline stops flowing, he'll be handling the situation far better than Mom...
At 9/18/2006 9:26 PM, Teacher Mom said…
Ouch! I hope she's healing up nicely!
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