Mom's Thoughts

Plainfield mom reflects on life with four little ones.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Merry Christmas

This picture was taken here in Michigan on December 24th.

It's almost midnight December 28th. I should be sleeping like the rest of my family but I've been working on budget stuff and catching up on e-mail.

I was going to send out Christmas cards this year but now Christmas is past and I didn't get it done. If we buy a house (we are looking) I suppose I'll send out change of address notes.

We had a good Christmas here in Michigan. The kids got to see grandparents and all their aunts and uncles. It's sure nice to be less than an hour from our parents instead of 8 hours like when we lived in Madison, WI.

I just tried to spell check but my husband has the pop-up blocker the spell check isn't working for me. Please excuse any misspellings.

Happy New Year!


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