Mom's Thoughts

Plainfield mom reflects on life with four little ones.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

Today at church there was a special video featuring kids from Lansing Faith saying
"I love you Mom" and telling why their mom is special.

My four year old daughter made my day.
From the big screen she answered the question "what makes your mom special?" with...
"She gives me lots of hugs and shares her tape with me when I need it for a craft project."

It's great to know that I'm loved!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


My kids love the PBS show ZOOM.
When I think of "zoom" I think of how fast my kids are growing up.
My oldest is six, middle child is four and youngest is two. Of course number four is about 22 weeks from birth if all goes well. I'm thinking those weeks will go by very quickly. And during that time my husband and I need to figure out where we will be living after October. We'd like to buy a house... Finding the right one for the right price is our challenge.