Mom's Thoughts

Plainfield mom reflects on life with four little ones.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Day

Today was the little guy's first day of preschool phonology class. He doesn't look too happy but he was excited to go to school and I think it went well.
After his class we drove to grandma's school to have lunch with her and pick up a baritone for my husband (he wants to play in the annual Tuba Christmas Concert).
Well, grandma teaches first grade and has a chart on her wall with the months of the year. She and the little guy were going over the months and when they came to September he was excited because that's his birthday month. Gama (as the little guy calls her) asked "what do you want for your birthday?" His response was "gun". Gama prompted for an explanation and he said "to shoot targets." Gotta like a kid who knows what he wants.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


If you are easily grossed out you won't want to read the rest of this post...
In the picture you see a Lego man's hand and a penny. The penny is just there for size comparison it doesn't really have anything to do with my story.
This morning as I was playing with the little guy we discovered a Lego man hand. I was tickling him to try and get the grumpy bug out. He blew out through his nose and along with a big piece of dried snot came the above Lego arm (I washed it off for the picture).
In conversation with him, after I realized what the red thing was, he said it had been there for a while. I asked him if there was any other Lego up his nose. He's assured me that there isn't. I sure hope he's telling me the truth.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Napping House

Today we read the Napping House and now everyone but me is napping. The little guy is here along with my friends two girls (the big kids are at school). They are all so cute when they are asleep.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The firetruck

The public library had a "back to school" party.

A school bus and firetruck were on hand and the kids were excited to sit in the drivers seat of the firetruck.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

State Fair

The little guy and I went with friends to the State Fair yesterday.
Here are a few shots from our trip.
Ice cream, seeing the fish and other animals and feeding a greedy goat were some of the highlights.

First Day of School

The kids started to school on August 10th.

5th grade, 4th grade, 1st grade and pre-school (at home)

Sunday, August 08, 2010

nice kitty

This shot is for the little guy's great aunt Karen. She's a cat lover.


We spent the weekend with friends. My friend from college and her husband have three beautiful girls. Her 3 kids + our 4 = lots of kids. The two oldest are ten. The next two are eight. The littlest girls are 6 (their birthdays are just a few days apart). Then there's the little guy - he will be four at the end of September.
The kids had a great time together.


On Saturday we went fishing with friends in North Manchester. Girl number two wasn't very interested in fishing.